I recognized Korean, but I don’t know anything at all about it. It was entertaining to find a way to trial-and-error enter Korean characters, but I managed to enter “하얀성” from the sign on the left. After a dead-end of finding out that this means “White Castle” and searching “White Castle” Korea, I put that string into Google Image search and recognized the building as hit #5 on the page linked above.
S. Korea, beach, high-rises mean it’s in city, wooded hill right background
36-3 in Busan, Haeundae beach SongJung (Songjeong)
See it here: http://korean.visitkorea.or.kr/kor/inut/w_stay/w_stay_view.jsp?cid=139807&out_service=Y
I recognized Korean, but I don’t know anything at all about it. It was entertaining to find a way to trial-and-error enter Korean characters, but I managed to enter “하얀성” from the sign on the left. After a dead-end of finding out that this means “White Castle” and searching “White Castle” Korea, I put that string into Google Image search and recognized the building as hit #5 on the page linked above.
Oh, here’s street view: https://www.google.com/maps/@35.180466,129.201905,3a,75y,48.93h,74.68t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sOSt8LSMIfndH5SJMqJa24g!2e0!6m1!1e1
Slightly harder. Clearly Korea, clearly Google streetview, so either Seoul/Incheon or Busan. Wander through looking for beaches. 35.180470, 129.201985